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European Ambassadors in focus group as part of EU project

European Ambassadors in focus group as part of EU project

 We were approached in May by our partners, the International Alliance of Patients ’Organisations (IAPO), as part of their involvement in GetReal, a research project funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiate (IMI).

IAPO’s role in the research group is aimed at gathering and giving a voice to patients’ perspectives and views on clinical trials and clinical research in general.

To do this IAPO asked ELF to facilitate focus groups, and we decided that the most suitable people to participate in the focus group would be patient ambassadors, who had completed the EPAP module “Supporting research and development”. 

 We had a good response from our ambassadors and three focus groups with five participants each were set up in IAPO’s London and ELF’s Sheffield office, a number of participants joining via skype as well.

 Click here to read the summary of outcomes of the focus group and the next steps in the dissemination of further information on outcomes of the project.