Do you or someone you care for have a chronic condition? As a patient/carer you have a unique experience of how this condition impacts on daily life.
This online programme introduces you to some of the skills and knowledge you may need to represent yourself or others successfully.

Opportunity to share experiences of HFNC (High flow nasal cannula)
ECRD online conference 14-15 May 2020
COVID-19 your questions answered
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Course overview
Course content
Patient and public involvement
Find out about what patient and public involvement is and how you can get involved
Get more information on the latest opportunities for patient ambassadors
Why enrol on EPAP?
This free online course will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to become an effective patient representative. Through taking the programme, you will be able join an online community of ambassadors where you can discuss shared experiences and receive information on opportunities to influence healthcare activities.