New Patient Advisory Group (PAG)
Three years ago we formed the first PAG from the first wave of patient ambassadors to have completed EPAP. The initial 14 members worked for three years with ELF to drive EPAP. Last year they undertook a complete review of the programme, which included redesigning some of the modules as well as designing a new module and having EPAP translated into Dutch.
We would like to offer our wholehearted thanks to those members of the PAG, who have decided to step down at this point, for their invaluable contribution to EPAP over those first three years!
Some of the original PAG have decided to stay and continue to input into EPAP. I would like to welcome them back and thank them for their continued support.
A warm welcome to all the new PAG members! We are excited that we have a diverse group of people representing a variety of countries, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada/Germany, Poland, Denmark, Ukraine, the Netherlands, Spain, Ireland, the UK and one pan European organisation.
The PAG will work with in this form for the next 12 months with new people to join after that. We are looking forward to working with you in the year ahead.