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Newsletter No 2 2017

Newsletter No 2 2017

The European Patient Ambassador Programme (EPAP) – Newsletter No 2 2017

Improving public awareness

I have had the good timing and great fortune to be involved in the development of EPAP as a patient representative since before its launch in 2012.

EPAP was never an easy programme to accomplish as it did make a bold proposition and had a strong ambition. The proposition being, to educate patients to become more involved in developing medical research and the ambition to do so across boundaries such as language and culture.

In the last couple of years, the EPAP patient advisory group (PAG) has taken a leading role in driving the programme forward. The members of the PAG are – like others before them - committed to doing so by involving even more people, who might benefit from the programme.

The PAG feels that there is very good content available on EPAP in several languages. Therefore, they have decided to focus their work on creating new strategies and communication initiatives to reach out to even more patient and health communities.

This edition has the theme of "Improving public awareness" by choosing the key messages you want to get across, by targeting the right audience for your message and identifying ways to run an effective campaign for your issue. We have spoken a few ambassadors, who are very experienced and we hope you find their recommendations useful.

I hope that you will enjoy this issue of the newsletter. As always, we would be interested in hearing your ideas and suggestions for the newsletter and EPAP.

Best regards,

Kjeld Hansen

Newsletter No. 2, Summer 2017 articles:

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